Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I have been busy with the triviata of my life.
Nothing major (that I want to share at this time) going on, really.

I went to my first training course for HR Block last evening.
It is time to get ready for the new "tax season" as they call it.
There are still five months until the end of the year.
Congress and the Ocommunist administration have plenty of time to make changes to our tax laws.
None of them will be beneficial, I suspect.

I just got out of my second shower of the day.
This was done to de-sweat me from mowing my grass.
My mower again used less that a half cup of gas for the whole deal.

Prior to that I did my usual Tuesday morning weight workout.
Chest and back moves today.
Pushing and pulling as it is called by some.
The exercises today were incline sit-up (yippee, no lower back pain!), pull-ups, barbell bench press, barbell deadlift, and dumbbell butterfly (or just "flies").
Total weight lifted was 22,243 pounds.
I think I deserve a nap.

More later.

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April 15 th of 2013 was my last year to work for HR Block. I disliked the corporate pressure to make us call customers to try to sel...