Friday, June 05, 2009

I Be Back

I have returned from Oklahoma.
The trip was uneventful going out and back - except the Curse of Memphis is still trying to get me.
On the return trip, there was a monumental traffic jam on the I-55 bridge going over the Mississippi river.
Road/bridge repair or somesuch.
That cost me about 30 minutes or so.

THEN I got "lost" in the transition from highway 385 to 72 and spent about 30 minutes tooling through the lovely Tennessee countryside on highway 57.
How I got confused, I know not.
That little side trip prolly took another 15 minutes.
But after a brief map consultation, I made a mid-course trajectory adjustment and got on the right path.

I had a great visit with brother Doug and sister Laura Bayless.
We are long-time friends from the 60's.
I met Doug in the Army in 1967.

I am contemplating a Major Announcement soon.
Stay tooned.

In God we trust...

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